Tickets Sales Are Closed!

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Can I purchase tickets to this event?
Unfortunately, ticket sales are now closed. If you are still interested, email us at, and you'll be the first to know if there are any changes. 

Are the Los Angeles & London event happening on the same day?
Yes, both events are on the 7th of September 2024. The time slots are the same but will follow local times. For example, the 11:30 am slot in London will be 11:30 am London time, and the 11:30 am slot in Los Angeles will be 11:30 am LA time.

Is there an age limit to attend?
We welcome all ages to the event. Any children under the age of 11 must be supervised at all times.

Can I cancel my ticket once I have purchased it?
No cancellations will be accepted. 

Can I pass my ticket on to another fan if I can't attend?
Yes, you may pass your ticket onto another fan. Please inform our customer service team so we can update the ticket details.

Can I change my ticket to another slot after purchase?
Provided there is availability in the requested slot, we may be able to change your ticket, but we cannot guarantee this.

Will there be food & beverages at the event?
Yes, there will be food options available themed to the event.

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