UK EVENT MAGAZINE - 7 July 2019Rupert Everett: Cover and large interview with stunning portraits. Spiderman: Far From Home: In depth article with portrait of Tom Holland. Janelle Monae: Lovely...
Observer The New Review 16 September 2018 - Brand New Condition Jonathan Pryce In depth interview with portrait. Janelle Monae In depth article with large portrait. Claire Goose Nice article...
UK Time Out London Magazine May 22 2018 - Brand New Condition Janelle In depth interview with stunning portraits. Sir Ian McKellen In depth interview with portrait.
BRAND NEW UK OBSERVER MAGAZINE JANUARY 22 2017 Features: JANELLE MONAE IN DEPTH INTERVIEW WITH FULL PAGE PORTRAIT. Pablo Picasso Lovely feature with large portrait. 'A Brush with Greatness' FREE...
BRAND NEW UK CULTURE MAGAZINE JANUARY 2017 Features: Janelle Monae Cover and large interview with portraits. Danny Boyle In depth interview with portraits on the return of Trainspotting. Natalie Portman...