The Big Issue Magazine Issue 1501 YUNGBLUD guest edits

At just 24, Dominic Harrison, aka Yungblud, is an activist and musician who has built a devoted, and growing, global fan following. He deals in protest, in speaking for the outsider and in creating a new space for those who feel left behind and this week he has taken over The Big Issue. Here’s what he has to say about his very special edition…

It’s been a real honour to guest edit such an important publication that’s role is essential in tackling the Big Issues facing us today. The Big Issue means so much to me because it radiates what the foundation of Yungblud is about: equality, acceptance and, most importantly, opportunity for all. Given the opportunity to guest edit this edition, I’ve picked some voices that I admire and respect who I think can use these pages to share wisdom, have a bit of a laugh and tell their story.

Collections: Bros, Other Magazines, yungblud

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