Saturday Magazine - 16 March 2019 Excellent Condition Ā Faye Brookes Cover andĀ in depth interview with portrait. Ā Katherine Jenkins In depth interview with portrait. Ā Movren Christie In depth...
Ā TV Soap Magazine 22 April 2018 - Brand New Condition Jake Wood & Lacey Turner Cover story and feature on Eastenders with photos. Star Interviews with: Faye Brookes Emma...
Ā TV Soap Magazine 16 December 2018 - Brand New Condition Sam Robertson & Faye Brookes Cover story and feature on Corrie with photos. Star Interviews with: Ā Connie Hyde...
Saturday Magazine - 15 June 2019 Excellent Condition Ā George Clooney Cover andĀ in depth interview with portrait. Ā Soccer Aid 2019 In depth article with portraits of the stars including...